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Abbas, D. D. F. (2020). Manipulating of audio-visual aids in the educational processes in Al-Hilla University College. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, 24(3), 1248-1263. https://doi.org.db12.linccweb.org/10.37200/ijpr/v24i3/pr200875
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Material Type | In-text Citation | Reference |
Podcast | (Conan, 2001). |
Conan, N. (2001, September 11). World trade center attack. Talk of the nation [Audio podcast]. http://www.npr.org/programs/talk-of-the-nation/ |
Video Blog (i.e., YouTube) | (Rifkin, 2010). |
Rifkin, J. (2010, August). Jeremy Rifkin on the "empathic civilization" [Video file]. http://www.ted.com/talks/jeremy_rifkin_on_the_empathic_civilization.html
Motion Picture | (Boyle, 2009). | Colson, C. (Producer), & Boyle, D. (Director). (2009). Slumdog millionaire [Motion picture]. United States: Fox Searchlight Pictures. |
CD | "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" (The Beatles, 2009, track 3). | The Beatles. (2009). Lucy in the sky with diamonds. On Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band [CD]. New York, NY: EMI. |
Video (DVD, VHS, or Streaming video) | (Films Media Group, 2009). |
Films Media Group. (Producer). (2009). Anatomy: Functional body systems [Streaming video]. Available from https://fod.infobase.com/PortalPlaylists.aspx?wID=97963&xtid=41101 Films Media Group. (Producer). (2009). Anatomy: Functional body systems [DVD]. |