Font: APA allows for several different options for fonts. You can choose from the following, make sure to use the pt. size specified:
Only use different typeface in figure descriptions: use a font between 8 and 14 points.
Spacing: Entire document is double spaced.
Margins: All margins are set uniformly at 1 inch.
End of sentence: Only one space after the period at the end of a sentence.
The paper should be written in the following order:
The new APA 7th edition has a format for writing a professional paper as well as one for a student paper. These directions are how to set-up the page for student papers.
Page number: In the header, on the right, starting with 1.
Title: The title is centered on the page, three or four lines down from the top margin of the page, in boldface type. Move down two double spaces using the Enter key
Author: Name of author(s).
Department, Affiliation (School): Typically the college/university attended, including the name of the department.
Course name and number: Use the name and section number of the course you are submitting the paper in, e.g. PSYC 2205.
Instructor name: Name of instructor including their title, e.g. Dr. Hap E. Day; Professor Smith; Fred Cougar, PhD.
Assignment due date: Write it month, day, and year using the format used in the United States (March 20, 2025). Spell out the month.
The text of your paper begins on the second page. The full title starts it off at the top center of a new page, in boldface font. For the rest of the paper, you only need page numbers in the header. Remember to cite!
Your References start on its own page and goes at the end of your paper. Title it References, centered, and bold-faced at the top. The references are alphabetized and have a hanging indent.
This is a sample STUDENT paper that has been formatted in APA 7th edition with annotations from APA. You can print or save this PDF to use for reference.
Check out these sample papers provided by APA.
Instructions for creating a paper in Microsoft365 and Google Docs in APA formatting provided by Carrie Forbes, librarian, East Carolina University.