Using the keywords you identified when brainstorming your topic, search for scholarly, scientific articles in the Taft College Library databases. Databases use an internet connection, but you are not searching the World Wide Web. You are searching for sources that are only available to you as a Taft College student. If you are not familiar with using databases, check out the Databases libguide for instructions and tutorials for each database.
Articles come in a variety of types: Audio files, newspapers, magazines, and journal articles. Types of Sources can help you identify what makes each type of source different and when it is appropriate to use a particular source. The Scholarly Peer Reviewed Journals guide provides a quick overview of how a scholarly article is formatted.
The following databases include primary sources on a variety of topics. The most appropriate databases for scientific research include Academic OneFile, Academic Search Complete, Ethnic Diversity Source, Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition, MEDLINE, Military & Government Collection, PsycARTICLES, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection.
You can search all of the EBSCOhost databases (all of the above except Academic OneFile) at once using the ALL EBSCOhost Database link below. Here is a brief tutorial on how to navigate EBSCOhost databases.
From off campus, you will be prompted to log in with your MYTC username and password.