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Taft College Wireless Network Acceptable Use Policy: Home

Taft College Wireless Network Policy


  1.  Acceptable Uses

The wireless network and access to the internet are provided to facilitate academic studies. The wireless network has limited bandwidth that is shared. As the number of wireless user’s increases, the available bandwidth per user decreases. As such, please show consideration to other users and refrain from downloading large music files and videos from the internet.

  1. Authorized Users

All Taft College students, faculty, and guests may use the wireless network where it is available. Dorm students will have prior authorization if they have completed a request for access form available at the ITS office.

  1. Wireless Devices

Any WI-FI 802.1 1b or g enabled device in the 2.4 GHz frequency range with a web browser can be used on the wireless network (laptop, notebook, tablet, PDA, etc.). The district does not guarantee that your device will operate properly. Each time you turn on your wireless enabled device in a coverage area, you will be automatically provided an IP address which can be monitored.

No personally owned wireless access point or wireless device acting as an access point is authorized for use on campus.

  1. Privacy and Confidentially

The privacy and confidentiality of data is not guaranteed. For security and network maintenance purposes, the district’s Information Technology Services department may monitor any component of the electronic communication system at any time.

Use common sense in selecting material to view. Display of offensive material in a public way may be a violation of the Taft College Computer Use Policy. Taft College Users have no expectation of privacy.

  1. Audio

Headphones must be used for all audio in the Library or open lab setting.

  1. Printers

No district printers will be accessible from the wireless network.

  1. Other Network Connections

The wired data ports in the library and other campus locations are only for use by district computers. Attaching your own Ethernet cable to a data port may result in disciplinary actions. The college uses managed network devices and will not allow non-managed devices to be attached to the network.

  1. Security

Wireless networks are not secure. Your data is being transmitted in clear/plain text if you do not see the small closed padlock in the lower right corner of the browser indicating SSL encryption.

The wireless network is behind a firewall, but viruses, Trojan horses, and worms can still infect your computer through email attachments and software downloads. The district is not responsible for any harmful code that you knowingly or unknowingly obtain over the wireless network.

Do not leave your equipment unprotected. Taft College is not responsible for damage or theft.

  1. Electrical Power

A wireless device may be plugged into an available and accessible power outlet as long as the power cord does not cause a safety issue. No furniture may be moved to access a power outlet. Staff will monitor any safety concerns and have the authority to disconnect any power cord that they believe presents a safety issue.

Taft College is not responsible for damage to your equipment due to any power problem.

  1. Technical Support

General, wireless network setup information is available for Dorm students. You should consult your device’s wireless network guide for further instructions. The district does not service personal computers nor provide technical support on personal devices. If you are experiencing a problem that may be related to the wireless network, please inform the ITS helpdesk.

The district department of Information Technology Services has the authority to disable a user from the wireless network. If you fail to adhere to this agreement, you may be prohibited from further use of the wireless network.