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Administration of Justice - T. Raber

A guide for ADMJ 1501, 1502, & 1505

Capstone Project

Choose one of two capstone projects:

Project #1

Project #1 is a research paper on one of the following current legal issues:

  • Sentencing juveniles to life without parole
  • Death penalty
  • Marijuana/drug legalization
  • Genealogy database use
  • Plea bargains
  • Bail/Bond
  • Technology and privacy rights


Address the following questions:

  1. What is the history/background of the legal issue?
  2. How did the Supreme Court rule on the issue?
  3. What is the problem or controversy? Why should we care?
  4. What is your position on the issue? Why?


  • Minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required: Books, eBooks, and/or journal articles.

APA Formatting

  • 1" margins
  • Size 12 font
  • Cover Page & Reference Page
  • Three to five pages, excluding the cover page and the reference page

Project #2

Project #2 is a case brief, a written summary, and an analysis of the case in point. Describe the case in your own words. Include only the essential concepts and facts needed--it is a brief document.


The brief includes the following elements (1 - 1.5 pages maximum)

  • Name of the case
  • Citation
  • Year decided
  • Character of action (how did the case reach the highest court?)
  • Facts (only detailed enough to cover every legally relevant fact)
  • Issues
  • Decision (by the U.S. Supreme Court or State Supreme Court)
  • Opinion (majority)
  • Concurring opinion (if any)
  • Dissenting opinion (if any)
  • Comment by the student (you--use of published legal opinions required)
  • Principle of the case

Final Analysis and Evaluation of the Case

  • Conclusion (impact on criminal law/criminal process/criminal procedure) (minimum 1.5 - 2 pages)


  • Minimum of three (3) scholarly sources are required: Books, eBooks, and/or journal articles.
  • One (1) source is the actual case
  • Two (2) sources are in support of your analysis and evaluation of the impact on the criminal justice system.

APA Formatting

  • 1" margins
  • Size 12 font
  • Cover Page & Reference Page
  • Three to five pages, excluding the cover page and the reference page