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HIST 2210 - J. Altenhofel: Home

A guide to library resources for World History
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Terri Smith
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Research Paper

Write a 6–8-page research paper about a topic in world history up to 1500. Using your textbook, start with a broad topic idea to identify a chapter you like, then choose a section of the chapter that really interests you, then narrow your research to a specific event, person, or moment within that section of the chapter.


Support your research with a total of ten (10) sources: Five (5) primary source, three (3) books from the Taft College library, print or electronic; and two (2) academic, peer-reviewed journal articles from a library database.

Basic Formatting

  • 1 inch margins
  • 12 pt. Times New Roman font
  • Entire document is double space
  • Direct quotations or paraphrasing require
  • Include a bibliography in Chicago Style
  • Footnotes/end notes are required


Getting Started

The information on the following tabs of this guide will help you identify keywords for your topic, find and evaluate different types of sources, and cite your sources.

For additional help using library resources, explore the library's Library Research Skills guide

For writing help, see the Taft College Learning Center for information about getting help from a writing tutor.